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Personal notes

It was an honor to have Kjetil Vaajma Kvalvik as my guest, who is a sami shaman, healer, teacher, and coach.


To me, it is important to introduce people who are working to create a better world and make people more conscious and happy. Kjetil and his wife are working together on this mission.


Since I began practising Buddhism in my 20s, my perspective on inner work changed significantly because I realized that all the difficulties and struggles I experience will make me stronger if I learn from them and if I see them as tasks to be accomplished in order to be happy and strong. By viewing life through the lens of task rather than suffering, we are able to make a significant change in our lives. It made me feel much better to know that my spirit has a lot of task to complete in this life, otherwise I would lose myself in psychology and analysis if I only looked at my life from the material world.


Kjetil made the point that many people are still stuck in traumas and family histories. It is an important point to discuss since our lives are not just about our existence on this planet, and our difficulties and challenges are also connected to our past lives.

Therefore, it is essential not only to work on your human, but also to work on your spiritual side, as you have a spirit within you that experiences this life and deals with everything contained in your "soul backpack", which you will have a chance to deal with and develop during this lifetime. 


Furthermore, as Kjetil also points out, if our souls are suppressed, we can only live according to what we are told. Once you spend time learning how to connect with your soul, you will begin to notice changes in your life.


The key to achieving this state is to calm down our minds, keep it clean and without distractions, and find techniques that will help us get there and stay there as long as possible despite our everyday lives. 


During his visit to nature, Kjetil discovered that he could experience this connection with his higher self, inner God, or whatever name you want to give it.


Although he had a difficult childhood, he did not blame anyone for it. He had learned to forgive and accept responsibility for the wounds so that he could heal.


It was not easy to be a parent in the old days when people had children when they were in their early 20s. It's easy to imagine what role model you'd be for your kid if you think back to when you were 21-22-23. I believe many of you would agree that you would make many mistakes, just as your parents did. Kjetil said he couldn't have become who he is today if he hadn't experienced everything that he had to heal and learn from. In life, overcoming trauma and learning from it can be a superpower to help others.


Sports in kids' lives can help them feel stronger in their bodies, and they can learn a lot of useful things about themselves, such as how to lose, how to win, and what it means to be better and stronger as a result of hard work. While childhood is not without its hardships, sports can help relieve tension, boost dopamine production, and with time, become a habit that will keep us healthier throughout our lives


As part of the discovery of life, many people go through a phase of partying, drinking, and taking drugs. It may be due to their traumas, it may be due to their friends, but they get into all of these situations.


We can see how it affects us, what this does with others to live an active party life, and this is useful later when we (hopefully) live a conscious life, and we can see what alternatives are available to experience the same feelings that we had whatever substances we used earlier.

There are people who are stressed and feel calm when drinking, and there are others who can't open up without drinking, so in these cases we determined what they needed in their lives to be changed.

It may be possible to reduce stress due to work by changing careers and becoming more active or being more open by joining mindfulness groups and practicing speaking about ourselves in a safe environment.


As a teenager, Kjetil also tried mushrooms and it helped him experience the world in a new way and understand that life is more than just survival. As a result, he was able to see some things he couldn't experience in his daily life during that time, but it also opened up a lot of doors that helped to improve his life.​

There are many people who fall victim to the psychedelic trap and use them a lot and for everything just to maintain that consciousness level they experienced. The use of these drugs regularly can cause personality deformations, poor sleep and dreaming, and can mislead you in the long run.


Keeping a higher level of consciousness in everyday life can be achieved by simply keeping the mind as clear and calm as possible. People used to practice meditation, walking in nature, yoga, breathing exercises, etc. to experience this.

There is always a healthy and safe alternative to everything.

However, studies have shown that when used in a controlled and therapeutic environment, psychedelics can enhance inner work.


Being a parent is not easy, and if you do not have many tools in your psychological toolkit, life can be very difficult, and you will make many mistakes that can be avoided by being prepared.


Do you know how to prepare?


Make sure that you do inner work by reading about psychology, attending therapy sessions, attending mindfulness workshops, watching vodcasts, learning tantra, and learning as much as you can, since this is what is referred to as prevention inner work.


Without the inner work, you will find difficulty in relationships in which you will feel there is no solution, resulting in the loss of your love or the family as a whole.

Inner work involves spending time on it at least twice per week, it is not one workshop or retreat, but frequent work. If you wish to be happy and not controlled or suppressed by your wounds.


I agree with Kjetil that we cannot expect someone to fix our wounds, we have to take responsibility for our own healing and get the job done before we pass our traumas onto our children. Having wounds stops us from growing as a person as we avoid things in life that could bring us happiness.


Put yourself together and take action.


 Part 2/2


Coming soon​







Since I regularly spend time on the sea or in nature without a phone signal, please contact me via email if you have any questions or inquiries.


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+47 968 36 900





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