Power Awakening Podcast
The effectiveness of the Power Awakening events made me feel the need to talk with my guests in this podcast who already have certain techniques to share and life stories they can highlight on how to overcome of difficulties, but also to go deeper in some topics as we do in the group works or during a 1:1 session.
My goal is to inspire people to come together and meet in real life to have similar experiences and meet likeminded people who are on their self-developement journey. This is already a tool to gain more understanding of ourselves, learning to open up about ourselves, share experience and figure out our own solutions if needed or just give support to others on their journey.
If we stay in a digital world, it will feel like we went through on something in regards to inner work, but it will be as effective as real life experience and an in person experience can be as there you are a participant of the group flow.
This podcast/vodcast is something I'm learning to do better, so as I do it in my life and wish to do it for others, I'll learn from each experience and continue it better each time.
I hope you will find it useful and if you like it, please share it with others.